howdy! i study genomic ai and bioethics at the center for computational biology at uc berkeley
i will be interning at genentech for the summer of '24
what do (research summary)
my genomic AI benchmark GUANinE (MLCB, 2023) is fairly representative of my work.
i think a lot about the predictive models we use for gene sequences with the intent to better methods development in computational, evolutionary, and precision genomics. im not quite a "methods" person in the genomics world, but more of a "models for methods" person. my modeling philosophy is fairly syncretic and originates in statistics, natural language processing, and parallel computing
given health inequities and current research efforts, i believe it important to prioritize fairness in modern methods development, and i center equity and inclusion efforts in my research environment. in addition to fairness as a research interest, i formerly worked with the bias busters RSO at berkeley to better understand and build inclusive environments, and im always happy to chat about DEI-related issues in academia and research :)
i can be reached at
eyes.robson [αt] berkeley [dοt] edu
from august of 2018 to may of 2020, i was a research assistant in the sytems biology group of Professor Shawn Gomez of the unc/ncsu department of biomedical engineering, where i worked on grant-writing, visualizations, and modeling of protein-protein interactions. i completed my MS thesis under professor Vladas Pipiras of the unc stor department on theoretical aspects and automatic evaluation of lineage reconstruction in scRNA-seq data
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